Fraction and Its Types

Concept Explanation

Fraction and Its Types

Fraction and its type:

A fraction is written as the number of equal parts being counted, called the numerator, over the number of parts in the whole, called the denominator. These numbers are separated by a line.

The three types of fractions are :

  • Proper fraction.
  • Improper fraction.
  • Mixed fraction.
  • Proper fraction: Fractions whose numerators are less than the denominators are called proper fractions. ( Numerator < denominator)

    For examples: 2/3, 3/4, 4/5, 5/6, 6/7, 2/9 5/8, 2/5, etc are proper fractions.

    Improper fraction:Fractions with the numerator either equal to or greater than the denominator are called improper fraction. (Numerator = denominator or, Numerator > denominator)Fractions like 5/4, 17/5, 5/2 etc. are not proper fractions. These are improper fractions. The fraction 7/7 is an improper fraction.

    Mixed fraction: A combination of a proper fraction and a whole number is called a mixed fraction.

    small 1frac{1}{3}, 2frac{1}{3}, 3frac{2}{5},9frac{13}{15}and 12frac{3}{5}; are; examples; of; mixed; fraction.

    Sample Questions
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    Question : 1

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    Right Option : A
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    Right Option : C
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